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Meet the Eminent Sangha Speakers


Meet the Lay Speakers

Sis Sylvia Bay
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Sis Sylvia Bay is Buddhist Fellowship's Dhamma Advisor. She has dedicated herself to the study and practice of Buddha's teaching since 1992. She holds a BA(Hons) First Class in Buddhist Studies from the Buddhist & Pali University of Sri Lanka, and was a lecturer with her alma mater. She holds a B.Soc.Sci (Hons) from NUS and a Masters in International Public Policy (M.I.P.P) from School of Advanced International Studies (SAIS), Johns Hopkins.


Since 2002, she has been a regular speaker on Buddhist doctrines and their practical applications at local and regional Buddhist organisations. She published a 2-part series on the life of the Buddha which is titled, "Between The Lines: An Analytical Appreciation of Buddha's Life". She is now working on another book titled “Towards The Light: the Buddha’s Guide to a Heavenly Rebirth”.

Professor Bernard Carr

Prof Bernard Carr is an Emeritus Professor of Mathematics and Astronomy at Queen Mary University of London. He studied for his doctorate under Stephen Hawking at the Institute of Astronomy in Cambridge. He was then elected to a Fellowship at Trinity College before moving to Queen Mary in 1985.


His professional area of research is cosmology and relativistic astrophysics and includes such topics as the early universe, black holes, dark matter and the anthropic principle. His recent books are “Universe or Multiverse?” (2007) and “Quantum Black Holes” (2014). He also has a long-standing interest in the relationship between science and religion, and especially in psychical research, which he sees as forming a bridge between them. His ambition is to develop an extension of physics which can accommodate mental and spiritual experience. He was President of the Society for Psychical Research in 2000-2004 and is currently President of the Scientific and Medical Network

Dr Ng Wai Chong
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Dr Ng Wai Chong is a veteran community aged-care physician with more than 20 years’ experience. Areas of expertise include primary care for the frail elders; community-based long-term care; person-centred care; population health; integrated care for seniors; comprehensive needs assessment; elder abuse; end-of-life care and dementia care.

He has extensive experience in training and developing interdisciplinary care teams both in Singapore and the Asia Pacific region. Awards received include: Minister for Health Award (2019); Courage Fund Healthcare Humanity Award (2016); Named Global Ageing Influencer by Ageing Asia (2018); Agency for Integrated Care Community Care Supertasking Hero Award (having sat on more than 20 AIC committees from 2010 to 2020).

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